What Happened to Connor Murphy?

YouTube is a leading platform for entertainment and the influencer culture is expanding quite exponentially. Amidst them, one that deserves a special mention is Connor Murphy, a popular fitness influencer who saw amazing fame sharing different workout tips and diet plans on his YouTube channel.

There was a time when Murphy managed to garner a viral following and viewership on his YouTube channel. However, over time, Connor Murphy is a name that has been downgraded, especially in terms of views and loyal audience.

If you watched his videos at one point in your life, you are in the right place to be inquisitive about his whereabouts right now.

The Rise and Fall of Connor Murphy

Connor Murphy’s YouTube journey kickstarted in 2016 with his first video titled “Connor Murphy Natural Body Transformation.”

The video spans a four-year transformation, showcasing Connor’s transformation from being a skinny guy during the start of his teenage years to gaining a whole lot of muscle and build by the time he hit 21 years.

That initial video amassed a lot of popularity, gaining steady growth and popularity on YouTube. Following their initial popularity, he started sharing lots of videos highlighting different kinds of exercises, workouts, and nutrition guides for his followers.

What was great about Connor Murphy and his growth on YouTube was the diversification of the content that he posted. While he initially focused on workout and fitness videos, he soon diversified his videos, posting joke and prank videos to further expand his audience.

Although his initial videos gained him a pretty good following, it wasn’t until he uploaded “Aesthetics on Omegle Original” that he started growing exponentially on the video streaming platform. In the video, he shared his experience talking to strangers that he matched with on Omegle. 

It was his Omegle series that gained him a steady following and he grew his subscriber count by 100,000+ within the first year of releasing that video.

With the initial popularity that the “Omegle shirtless” videos gained him, Connor went on to create another mini-series where he went out on the streets, hosted interviews with girls on the streets, and found every excuse to take off his shirt on the street.

One of the reasons why Connor Murphy managed to gain pretty steep popularity was because of his unfiltered content. He didn’t care whether the reaction was positive or negative, he uploaded the content to his audience. 

Although their initial popularity of Murphy was pretty steep, one thing that further escalated Murphy’s popularity was the negative criticism he gained from the other YouTubers who called him and his videos out for being cringey.

But, Murphy’s positive attitude towards the negative criticism was what garnered him a pretty steady growth on YouTube. Over the years, Murphy went on to acquire 1+ million subscribers on YouTube, putting him on the map.

However, despite the steep growth, Murphy soon ended up disappearing off the face of the Earth, abandoning his channel and not posting any kind of content. This led to a lot of speculations and even put his fans under a lot of worry and concern.

When did Connor Murphy Reappear on YouTube?

It took around six months for Connor to gain over 1 million subscribers, and even his videos gained a pretty decent following. But, everything came to a sudden halt when he stopped posting and disappeared without any prior warning.

Although no one knows what exactly happened, the fans were questioning because Murphy stopped posting for 5 months straight.

Due to that long break, when Connor decided to return, his videos didn’t perform as well as they did before the hiatus he took. In the year that he returned, Connor posted a total of just 8 videos, which didn’t do well in terms of viewership.

For a successful YouTuber who was gaining close to 20 million views each month in 2018, Connor’s viewership drastically dropped in 2019 to less than 5 million views per month.

What Connor failed to understand was the fact that YouTube grew and the audience had diversified from the last time he posted and gained a loyal following. Understanding that sudden shift in YouTube’s algorithm and audience viewership was the disconnect Connor couldn’t decipher.

Since most of Connor’s videos relied on audience interactions on the street, his content got badly hit during the Covid-19 era when everyone was forced to stay indoors. He couldn’t step out of his home to interact with people and capture those in the video.

Even after Covid when Connor returned to his normal posting schedule, his viewership took a further down hit, gaining around 3 million viewers per month, which was a lot less than what he started with at the beginning of his YouTube career.

Seeing the hit that his YouTube career took, Connor took a huge decision to relocate to Los Angeles from his hometown to pursue a career in acting. But, most of his loyal fans believe that’s when Connor’s career took the maximum hit, especially his YouTube channel.

Although the fans could witness a drastic shift in his appearance, Connor consistently tried to convince his audience that he was losing muscle mass because he was gaining more body fat percentage. However, the audience concluded that Connor was likely addicted to something, following the drastic change in his appearance.

Later in 2020, popular YouTube Patrick Lyons confirmed that Connor was taking psychedelics like Ayahuasca. Many fans connected the dots and believe this claim to be true because that’s when Connor’s content started going downhill and he started talking more about spirituality.

Connor has undergone a lot of drastic changes over the years and the fans are still concerned about him and his mental well-being.


If you were a dedicated subscriber of Connor Murphy and have been wondering about him and his whereabouts, we hope his article gives you all the insights you need. Kindly ensure that you treat this entire situation with care since it involves a lot of triggering subjects for multiple people involved in the process.

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