About Us

Patty360.com is a website dedicated to covering the latest news around gaming, entertainment, technology with some sports sprinkled in. We pride ourselves on providing high-quality content to keep readers engaged and only hire experienced journalists.

Below is our current team of awesome writers!

James Stainer
SEO Manager

James Stainer is the SEO manager here at Patty360. He manages the entire news site. Apart from tech, James likes to write about a wide range of topics so he's never bored!

Tessa Love

Tessa Love is a Senior Writer based in Berlin and her work has appeared in industry leading media sites. At Patty360, she reports news on entertainment and new technological gadgets.

Megan Farokhmanesh

Megan is a Senior Editor at Patty360. Megan has worked as a News Reporter at various media houses, covering news related to YouTube, creators/influencers and video games. She always loves to discuss things related to new technology.

Lenny Rachitsky

Lenny is a Senior Writer at Patty360 and previously worked as Growth PM at a hot startup startup in Silicon Valley.

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