Beezer Net Worth 2024 – How is the Company Doing After Dragon’s Den?

In a world where smartphones are an integral part of our existence, it isn’t surprising that we have a minimum of 10+ apps on our phones. That was what Beezer was developed and introduced with the intent of.

The creator of the app, Brian Smillie, identified the issues with not having access to enough applications directly available. That’s when he developed Beezer, which allowed users to directly download apps bypassing the traditional app stores.

This article will explore everything you need to know about Beezer, its annual revenue, and how the company is doing after Dragon’s Den.

Quick Facts

Founders name: Brian Smillie
Business details: App Builder
Founded in: 2017
Location : Scotland
Asking of Company: £125,000 For 4% Equity
Accepted Deals: £125,000 For 10% Equity
Dragon on board (Investors): Peter Jones
Dragons’ Den Episode: Season 10 Episode 07
Net Worth $1 million
Business Status: Active
Last Updated: Feb 26, 2024
Social Media Instagram

About the Founders

Beezer was developed by Brian Smillie. That’s the extent of the information that you can find about him on the Internet. He founded Beezer in 2014.

According to Beezer’s official website, Brian attended Bearwood College and grew up in Edinburgh, U.K. Currently, he works in the role of founder and CEO of Beezer.

Founding Beezer

Beezer was created and launched in 2014 to help people bypass the need for traditional app stores. 

Brian designed the application with the intent to overcome the issues with app development and the availability of apps on the internet. Being from a tech background, one major issue that Brian noticed during the app development process was seeing how bad the app distribution model was.

There are hundreds and thousands of amazing apps on the internet with very little downloads. With Beezer, app developers now have a completely revolutionized way of sharing their app with the intended audience.

With this platform, customers can now create their app, distribute it and manage the distribution as well, making this very accessible. The best part of it all is that none of the users need to have technical knowledge to be able to use Beezer.


On Dragon’s Den

Brian took his app platform on Dragon’s Den and their episode aired on August 26, 2018. He asked for a £125,000 investment for 4% of the company. If you reel back and watch the episode, you will realize how intense the whole exchange was.

Out of the five dragons on the show, four of them were impressed enough to make a counteroffer. Jenny Campbell didn’t find the business idea too exciting and backed out.

Amidst the offers made, it was Peter Jones that offered a £125,000 investment but for 15% of the company. Brian didn’t accept in the beginning. Later, Peter reduced the equity percentage to 10%, which Brian accepted in the end.

After Dragon’s Den

Despite how gripping everything was, reports suggest that Brian’s deal with Peter didn’t go through after the episode aired. Brian reported that they were still in the process of certain negotiations.

At present, Beezer is thriving and has an estimated annual revenue of $1 million, which is quite impressive. There are reports that Brian is currently in the process of raising £1 million for 20% of the business but we don’t have any kind of official confirmation surrounding the same.

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