Over the years, many medicines were invented to cure the flu. Some were successful, some were unsuccessful.  However, the flu is still relevant today, people suffer a lot and it’s contagious.  

To prevent the flu, Nicole and Steve Jones started a business named Flu Away 48 to cure the disease. However, this is the question to the audience; can the flu be cured within 48? Follow the article to know more about the product.

Quick Facts

Founders name: Nicole and Steve Jones
Business details: All-natural cold and flu medication
Founded in: 2018
Location : Australia
Asking of Company: $1.5 Million For 20% Equity
Accepted Deals: No Deal
Shark on board (Investors): None
Shark Tank Episode: Season 04 Episode 09
Net Worth $7.5 million
Business Status: Active
Last Updated: Feb 23, 2024

About the Founder 

The real estate brokers Nicole and her husband Steve Jones wanted to concentrate on getting their business, Flu Away 48, on the market. They invested $100,000 and ten years to prepare the product for manufacturing.

However, Steve asserted that they were skilled in both sales and marketing. But Steve had an established company in construction; therefore the business had to enter administration.

Founding Flu Awa 48

Flu Away 48 is an over-the-counter drug that is 100 percent natural and makes a guarantee that it will treat the common cold in 48 hours “or your money back.” Steve asserted that it strengthened the immune system, but he did not specify which organ or system it strengthened. According to the couple, the product achieved an overall accuracy of 98.9% in a trial that involved more than 10,000 people in Australia.

The natural constituents in the product include vitamin C, echinacea, and garlic. However, because it is granted C-grade approval, it cannot be prescribed and must be used as a home treatment.

Flu Away 48

Shark Tank Appearance 

In the latest episode of Ten’s commercial reality program Shark Tank, a husband and wife pair promoted a treatment for the common cold which provided the panel with probably one of the most cringe-worthy proposals ever. For a 20% stake, the couple requested $1.5 million. However, it is not an easy job to please the Sharks to invest their hard-earned riches in any product without any genuine proof.

Dr. Glen Richards interrogated them about the methodology of the clinical investigation and the theories underlying the good and was unpleasantly surprised by their lack of responses, as Steve couldn’t explain how or why the immune system is affected by the medication.

Given that they have only put $100,000 of their investment into the company, shark Janine Allis criticizes the two for their “cocky” demand for $1.5 million. She was highly disappointed by their behavior. She urged the couple to be courteous to investors and refrain from trying to mislead them with inflated figures.

Nicole and Steve Jones declined Steve Baxter’s offer to give them the sum of $ 1.5 million for 93.75%. Although Andrew Banks appreciated the concept of the product, he didn’t enjoy their desperate attempts at commerce.

After Shark Tank 

Additionally, they asserted that it was 100 percent natural and clinically proved and that within six months, the Harvard Medical Journal would publish studies to corroborate their claims. There is, however, still no proof of such. The pair left the concert disheartened because there were no sharks agreed with their request, and Flu Away 48 hasn’t been successful in the marketplace.

Despite not receiving funding from the respective sharks, they have continued to maintain a successful business worth $7.5million.