Want to get a Free Tablet from the Government in 2023? Know all the Details!

Before you start this article and think the title is clickbait, let us clarify ahead of time that it’s not. You can genuinely get your hands on a free tablet from the government if you fulfill the eligibility criteria and belong to a low-income household.

Things are as simple as that. Now, with that said, you have to understand that applying for and availing of the free tablet from the government is primarily to uplift low-income families, especially children. It helps them stay connected to the virtual world while availing all the resources they need for their education.

So, if you are sitting there wondering how you can get access to your government-issued free tablet in 2023, keep reading until the end of the article for all the details.

How to get Access to a Free Tablet from the Government?

The National Government each year segregates a chunk of money to assist low-income households. A part of that issued fund goes towards distributing free tablets to these households not just to promote seamless communication but to support further virtual education of the children in the family.

If you want to apply for the free tablet program, there are certain limitations and stipulations that you have to keep into consideration. Your first step is to find the relevant government assistance programs that give out free tablets. 

Which Documents are necessary for Applying to the Free Tablet Programs?

Before you even begin searching for the government programs that give out free tablets to low-income households, the first thing you need to do is know which documents you’d have to submit for the verification process.

This is mandatory. You must read through the eligibility requirements of each of these government programs before you submit your application.

During the application process is when you’d need to submit all the relevant documents as well. Some of these include:

  • Photo ID proof
  • Eligibility proof document
  • Income proof or student information
  • Contact information
  • Residential proof
  • Income proof 

Since you are applying to these government assistance programs online, we’d recommend that you have these documents in digital format, so you can upload them and get verified without any hassle.

Also, keep in mind that the eligibility criteria for each of the government assistance programs that you apply through will vary from one state to the other. So, we’d recommend cross-checking the same based on where you live.

Some states offer you a free tablet if you qualify for the food stamps government assistance program. And, if you don’t have the documents right now, ensure that you arrange them first before you go ahead with the application process.

How to Apply for the Free Tablet under Government Programs?

With all the basic information out of the way, the most important thing that most people are inquisitive about is the application process. It isn’t as complicated as you think. 

In most cases, you’d have to apply through the telecommunication service provider’s website. They have a separate section dedicated to government assistance programs and you should be able to find the option for free tablets as well.

From there, you’d have to click on the online application, fill out all the details, and submit it with all the relevant documentation. Since the number of applications is so high and the number of sanctioned free tablets is limited, you might face a hard time navigating through the application process.

So, being careful while filling out the application form is a necessity. You can’t expect to make even the slightest mistake and expect things to work out. Sometimes, even a small mistake can end up rejecting your application.

If you don’t have a device to send the application form, use public libraries, which offer free computer access and the internet. You can use them to fill out the application and then send it through.

Which Government Assistance Programs Offer Free Tablets?

Now, the question of the hour is, “Which government programs should I check eligibility for a free tablet?” 

Since there are several different types of government aid programs for low-income households, finding out which one offers a free tablet can be a challenge.

Some of the most popular programs include:

  • The Lifeline Program

The first and the most commonly used government program for availing a free tablet is the Lifeline Program. This provides individuals access to high-quality tablets in no time at all.

The main objective of this program is to provide families and households with low income the necessary elements they need to communicate with their friends and family. Not just that, the free tablet also contributes to children’s education and helps people find jobs.

  • The Salvation Army

For those who aren’t aware, the Salvation Army is an NGO that works for underprivileged people to improve their lives and provide them with better opportunities in life. From necessities to important elements like tablets and phones, they do work towards arranging them for the people in need.

If you aren’t qualifying for the government assistance program to avail the free tablets, this is a great alternative that we’d personally recommend you check out. Their assistance programs are pretty diverse when you come to think of it.

However, since they are an NGO, you’d have to work through a lot of limitations. The biggest issue that happens is with the availability. Unlike the government, their funds are pretty limited.

Which Companies offer Government Free Tablets?

With that out of the way, the next thing we need to focus on is the companies that provide free tablets to low-income families.

Following is the list you should save for future reference:

  • Accelerated Schools Program – Under this, the government lends out tablets to children in need. The only issue is that the program requires the families to deposit $100 to avail of the ongoing assistance. The rest of the product and the services that come alongside it are free to use. Once the families return the tablet, the $100 is reimbursed.
  • Adaptive.org – Another website that offers free tablets to students in need. They primarily work with low-income households, disabled people, veterans, etc. What you’d need to do is perform 10 hours of community service and the tablet is yours to have.
  • Everyoneon – This is another program that offers free tablets to children to ensure there is no stoppage to their education. If the family’s income is under $35,000, those families can use this program to their benefit.
  • Komputers 4 Kids – Not just tablets, the organization also hands out PCs to the children to support their education.
  • Microsoft Registered Refurbished – Microsoft is one of the few brands that often refurbish their old products and that includes tablets, laptops, PCs, etc., which are then given to low-income families. 
  • On it Foundation – If you are a low-income family living in Florida, this foundation can help you get access to the relevant program you need to avail of the free tablet.

Do the Free Tablets Help Low-Income Families?

You might be thinking, “How does owning a free tablet help a low-income family?” Well, the answer is pretty simple. It opens up a lot of opportunities for them.

Having access to an advanced gadget is a great way to navigate through a lot of challenges that could otherwise affect one’s growth and development. This isn’t something one has to fight through when it comes to having a free tablet.

With the free tablet, it becomes a lot easier for people to get access to quality education and even look for employment if they are currently out of a job.

Some of the top benefits of free tablets for low-income families include:

  • Better educational opportunities
  • Working from home made easier
  • Learning about technology
  • A better way to communicate with people

Overall, applying and qualifying for a free tablet from a government program can come a lot in handy for several families. So, if you are eligible, we’d recommend that you don’t waste any time and apply.


Getting your hands on a free tablet through government programs can be a challenge. If you are confused, we hope this article gives you all the insights that you need to get through. Just ensure that you check the eligibility criteria, have all the relevant documents ready, and fill out the application form without any errors.


1. Are the tablets free?

Yes, if you are availing the tablets from a government assistance program, they are free to use.

2. What are the restrictions to apply?

The free tablet scheme is generally reserved for low-income households with a certain income threshold. So, you’d have to match that requirement to qualify.

3. Is there any way to get a free tablet for seniors?

If you aren’t able to avail free tablets through government-aided programs, we’d recommend checking out NGOs and charities that offer free tablets.

4. Is it possible to upgrade the free tablet?

In most cases, the government offers a standard model and brand of the tablet to the eligible candidates, which means that it might be impossible to upgrade.