Paul Janka: Former Playboy Turned Husband

Paul Janka, the man, the myth, the pickup legend. It’s hard to believe it’s been a decade since he rose to fame after releasing his ebook ‘Getting Laid in NYC’. The ebook was an underground hit and really helped launch his PUA career. 6ft 1 with a swimmers physique, Janka was a master of meeting women on the street. The strategy was simple in theory – confidently approach women, get a phone number, arrange to meet later for drinks and get them back to his bachelor pad. A tough approach to succeed with in a busy city like New York but being tall, dark and handsome does also help!

On the back of a successful ebook, Paul secured an interview with Dr Phil. This was around the time the infamous book, “the Game” was released by Neil Strauss so it was a hot topic. The show was set up to make Paul look a scumbag! The women in the crowd were outraged at his answers yet he came across well and gave some interesting insights into picking up women. All the negative press was huge for Janka and played a big part in promoting his dating education business! Luckily the Dr Phil interview didn’t happen during the “me too” movement, otherwise Paul would have been criticised!

People will be surprised to learn that he’s Havard educated and is a savvy entrepreneur. Janka released the Attraction Formula along with a partner to teach guys how to drastically increase their success with women. The product was popular, selling over a million copies. Although the material is now over 10 years old, most of what he teaches is still applicable in today’s world.

What’s he Doing Now?

Paul retired from the pickup industry at his peak to settle down and marry his British partner. He got married in 2015 at the age of 40 and moved to London where he currently resides. In recent times Paul Janka has been more active, taking part in multiple interviews on various YouTube channels – much to the delight of his cult fan base. It’s really cool to see him settle down and start a family, he seems much more happier now. According to his Linkedin profile, currently he’s working as a start-up advisor and business owner. He is the co-founder of the Cue App, co-owner of Velocity Publishing and owner of No Man Left Behind.