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9 Things to Know When Planning to Manage Your Electronic Files




9 Things to Know When Planning to Manage Your Electronic Files

Organizing files on a computer can sometimes be quite tricky. If one is not careful, the files and folders could end up as a chaotic mess, making it difficult to navigate and locate the necessary items. That is precisely why a set of electronic file management techniques has been compiled. While there may not be a definitive way to manage computer files, these suggestions are designed to assist users in organizing computer files.

Manage Your Electronic Files

9 Tips for Keeping Electronic Files Wisely

1 Group Files

Folders serve as the foundation of a well-organized structure, providing a means to group files into coherent collections. Windows, by default, offers convenient libraries such as Documents and Pictures to facilitate organization. To initiate the creation process, right-click in File Explorer and select “New > Folder”.

Prioritizing a thoughtful approach to planning out your folder structure can be immensely beneficial. Consider organizing your Pictures folder based on events, individuals, locations, or any other relevant criteria. Similarly, for your Documents folder, consider separating it into distinct sections for personal and professional matters. Remember, you can create nested folders within folders to further refine your organization, but be cautious not to overcomplicate things.

2 Organize by type

When creating a file management system, it is recommended to organize files by their respective types. For instance, users can create separate tabs for pictures, videos, and standard word-processing documents. This approach enables convenient arrangement and access to different file types.

For example, you can store all your important work files as documents, and your personal files as PDFs. With the help of special applications, it will not be difficult for you to convert PDF to docs and vice versa. To do this, you can use the scanning tool for your iPhone. It efficiently scans even docs IDs and documents with specific layouts. With the Scanner App at hand, you can easily convert and then sort your files by their type. PDF scanner is also useful in other areas, for example, at work, as it will allow you to easily change the type of files before sending and after receiving.

3 Remove duplicates

Having multiple copies of the same file can pose risks. It not only consumes unnecessary storage space but also prevents syncing changes between them. This can result in having various versions of a document, causing confusion.

Accidental duplicates can be frustrating to locate manually. That is why using a program like dupeGuru is recommended. dupeGuru scans your computer for duplicate files, including similar ones with “fuzzy” search capabilities. It allows users to easily remove these files, ensuring a streamlined and organized system.

4 Create hierarchies of folders

One can develop efficient organizational structures by creating folders and sub-folders. Establishing hierarchies within the folders makes it easier to locate files pertaining to specific areas of one’s business or personal life. For instance, a business owner may choose to create separate folders for different departments. They may opt to have a folder designated for human resources files, in addition to another folder for marketing-related files. Furthermore, within those folders, they can create additional ones for employee information and payroll, marketing budget details, project timelines, and more.

5 Be specific

In addition to maintaining consistency with naming, users are encouraged to be specific. It is advised to use informative names that facilitate easy navigation of folders and files. For instance, files can be named with their creation dates. Another option is to utilize a numbering system for multiple drafts of a file. This helps users determine the most recent draft and ensures that the content is up to date.

6 Get rid of old or unused files regularly

One can enhance the organization of their file management system by removing files or folders that are no longer in use or rarely need to be accessed. By cleaning out old files, individuals ensure that their system remains clutter-free, enabling easier location of relevant documents. Some filing systems offer an archival feature designed to securely store documents that are needed to be kept but rarely accessed. This archival feature minimizes the memory space occupied by these files on the user’s computer.

7 Have a file naming system

A consistent naming system can offer tremendous organizational benefits. When files adhere to the same naming conventions, it becomes effortless to search for and locate them whenever needed. It’s important, however, for individuals to maintain consistency by adhering to their established naming system. This practice streamlines the search process, particularly for identifying specific file types that follow a standardized naming method.

8 Use a cloud storage

Cloud storage is a type of computer software that enables users to store, access, create, and manage files through a global network like the Internet. It offers numerous advantages, including remote file access, automatic backup of files, and simplified sharing and control of external file access. For instance, when a file is saved to a cloud storage system, it can be accessed from any device and any location, as long as the user has account access. Users have the ability to select which files others within the cloud network can access, enhancing privacy and security.

9 Back up important files

As part of their file management process, individuals are advised to regularly save backups of their most critical files. Backups play a crucial role in ensuring that files remain accessible in the event of a computer crash or hard drive failure. Essentially, a backup creates duplicates of files and stores them either in an online account or on an external hard drive. By saving file copies in a different location from the computer’s hard drive, users gain the ability to access them using various devices.


File management is an essential part of our digital lives. Developing and following a streamlined system for organizing, storing, and deleting files helps to prevent unnecessary clutter from accumulating on our computers. It also allows us to access the materials we need quickly and easily. The aforementioned tips will help you create an efficient file management system that supports productivity and accuracy in daily operations.

Tessa is a Senior Writer at Patty360. She has previously worked as a freelance journalist for various news sites in the UK.

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