Why Should You Consider Pre-ordering The Outer Worlds

The Outer Worlds

There are a huge number of First Person Shooter Games out there. Over the years, we have seen developers and publishers try to innovate and bring something new to the genre. Often times, we have seen games fail! Other times, we see the same FPS formula used over and over again. Take the Call of … Read more

Top 5 Celebrities Who Play Fortnite

5 celebrities who play Fortnite in their spare time

In just a short span of two years, Fortnite has arguably become the most popular video game in the world and pretty much everyone has played the game at one point or another. With the rise of its popularity, it comes as no surprise that many celebrities are playing the game and some are actually … Read more

Is PuBg better than Fortnite?

Is PuBg better than Fortnite?

PuBg and Fortnite both have caused a revolution in the modern gaming world. The games have been so popular that gamers are highly interested in the settings of these games such as keybinds, Mouse sensitivity, and system configurations. But to choose which one among them is the best is really difficult! While one may blindly … Read more